December 31, 2008

May 1970

It's a long way down. At least that was the thought as I watched several workmen in the chill drizzle of a late winter morning. They were in the park eleven stories below and the things they were planting looked very dead and the labor hopeless.

Now a month has passed and the leaves are starting out on the trees. The red of the azaleas, the red, yellow and white of the tulips, and the blues of the border plants are saying something.

There is something to be said for starting with nothing, or almost nothing. You can add some faith and hope, a portion of TLC, the warmth of the sun, a well prepared seedbed, and the overwhelming spark of LIFE. The result can be anticipated is you are willing to wait the appointed time. It's not nearly as far down when there are colors in such perfect patterns to relate back to you.

How satisfied are you? Does the title "Federal Servant" bug a little? This is one thing the League of Federal Recreation Associations is all about. We want the world to know something about these folks who make up the great heartbeat that is the United States of America. True, we cannot all be identified, singled out and honored in the niche in which our talents are utilized. But...

But, aren't we part of the structure which placed men on the moon and brought three safely back from almost certain disaster? Is you position one calling for support of these proud young Americans on the line for their Country in Viet Nam? Or, are you in the services area making sure the mail goes through on time, that there are jobs for those who need them, that the production in this nation is in line with the needs, and the natural gifts of our environment are protected as we relate more and more to air and water conditions.

Perhaps you are involved in transportation and the moving of men and materials over, under and around. Roads, rails, airways and waterways tell us something about America and your role in her progress. Or, is it communications for defense or peace, business and pleasure? Could be you are in the midst of telling where we have been and projecting where we are going through a census survey, in interstate commerce, or by a relationship to our Interior?

As the stock market rocks around seeking level, you suddenly become fully appreciative of your position in the essential financial structure of the most blessed of the globe. Without the "me" in government what happens to budget, treasury, general accounting, federal deposits, home loans, small business, and securities to be held or exchanged?

You are a vital part of making things better for people everywhere. The health, the education, and the welfare of all are in your hands. Housing and the improvement of our cities occupy your time and ability. You are helping someone else through an immigration or naturalization maze just like someone in your own family experienced. You are part of the philosophy making certain there is equal justice under the law for all. Yes, even our friends in Internal Revenue give us that assurance.

My cup of tea is also in the heritage of our land and I reach out to those who want to hear about us, read about us, and see us in action yesterday and today. That's why I am enthused when I identify with the Library of Congress, the Archives, the Gallery of Art, Bureau of Standards, Patent Office, and the great and grand Smithsonian Institution.

A goodly number hit us where we live...We want to live longer, have less pain, and be able to enjoy what all these other government friends have done for us. That's why we direct a nod of pride to those who man the hospitals, research all areas of health and science, give us rehabilitation opportunities, and then economic security through gainful service to others.

David L. Brigham
Executive Director

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